Electromagnetic radiation and wireless radiation are now ubiquitous. It is almost impossible to entirely escape them, and most people could not imagine why you would want to. But particularly as the wireless radiation proliferates, more and more people are becoming sensitized to the negative effects of these technologies.
I particularly noticed my own sensitivity when the doctor that I work for changed her entire computer desk setup to wireless – a wireless monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer and a cordless phone. Within minutes of sitting there my face would become hot – cheeks pink and flushed – and I would feel wiped out, exhausted and ill. She also started experiencing symptoms and eventually she changed everything back to their wired versions, and now I can sit there for hours at a time. This is a pretty dramatic example, but I think that the effects – though subtle and unnoticed most of the time – are impacting most of us at the level of our cells – creating deep chronic inflammation and irritation. And chronic inflammation is being recognized by science as an underlying indicator in almost all disease.
As my own awareness of the dangers of this constant exposure has grown, I have also become aware of some ways to mitigate the exposure. My friend Elan (techhealthy.com) has recently gone through part of the training to become a building biologist – someone who can evaluate the health and safety of your home based on specific criteria and help you to mediate areas of toxic exposure. He also is and has for many years worked in the tech industry, so is intimately familiar with all sides of this technology. I was lucky enough to be his first client after his training. He came over with his suitcase full of new meters and measuring gadgets.
It was a very methodical process – the ultimate goal being to create a bedroom space as close to the natural environment as possible so your body can rest and heal while sleeping. This includes reducing body voltage exposure and wireless radiation exposure as much as possible. I sat in my bed holding the body voltage meter, watching the numbers fluctuate, while he ran around the house turning fuses off and on, putting up shielding fabric here and there. Seeing and hearing the concrete measurements shift was very eye-opening.
Apparently I am surrounded by 8 or more cellular antennas within a half mile radius. Also, the wiring in my home is old – called knob and tube – which is common in San Francisco and causes high electric and magnetic fields throughout the house. And my next door neighbor has a cordless phone directly opposite my bedroom wall.
To reduce the negative impacts of these exposures he suggested the following steps: to paint the walls in a carbon-based shielding paint (which is black and needs to be painted over.)
We painted the walls chocolate brown, with cream ceiling and trim.
The walls are grounded through a grounding plate connected to a cord which connects to…
…a grounding rod in the earth.
I also have shielding fabric as curtains over my windows. And then I have an added layer of protection using a shielding fabric canopy over my bed. The shielding fabric is silver and copper thread covered in polyester or cotton. On top of these measures I also shut the power off to the bedroom at night. The final meter measurements under the canopy had body voltage levels as if I were far out in nature and not in the middle of an urban center.
It has only been a few days now sleeping this way, but I have already noticed a reduction in symptoms and profoundly deeper sleep. I am hopeful about the long term beneficial effects of giving my body, for at least 8 hrs a day, a respite from the constant effects of wireless radiation, and high and low level electro-magnetic frequencies.
We are electromagnetic beings, and I don’t think this fact should be underestimated.
An excellent documentary about this subject has been made and is available to watch for free online – Resonance: Beings of Frequency
As things currently are, much of the ambient electrical fields around us is actually trying to ground itself through our bodies. Compile this with the fact that most of us rarely bring our body into direct contact with the earth, the body voltage we are carrying is extremely high – when it ultimately wants to be at Zero.
This is why grounding or earthing your body can be a significant health aid because you are allowing your body to discharge the extra voltage, as well as absorbing from the vast pool of negative electrons that the earth offers – creating a potent free-radical fighting anti-inflammatory process in your body. Earthing is accomplished by getting as much surface area of your body as you comfortably can in direct contact with the earth, being sure to remove any insulating materials, such as rubber-soled shoes, that may be in the way. 20 – 30 minutes is an ideal amount of time to reap the benefits of this practice. caveat – please be cautious that the earth you are grounding into is safe. High EMF environments, like cities, may have levels of voltage moving through the ground.
I am not a total luddite, although admittedly I tend to lean that way. I just think that we are barreling forward for convenience and profit at the expense of the precautionary principle. Let’s create incredible technologies that don’t poison us at the same time. Let’s create living spaces and cities that are actually regenerative and increase health and vitality. The technology already exists.
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