
Archive for December, 2011

Day #3 was again at RDI. Katharine Jolda was the felting instructor.  She creates felted items and teaches felting and is the inventor of a bicycle powered carding machine, or cyclocarder. She has a great website called Felt the Sun, and the SF Chronicle just had a nice article and interview with her here, and […]

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Merry Solstice

On December 22, the longest night of the year, and the shortest day, we give thanks for the deepening dark and the insight that it brings, and we celebrate the return of the sun and the warm glow of the natural light that we find around us. I made this linoleum block print – my […]

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Day two was held at the Commonweal garden at RDI.  Marlie DeSwart is a fiber artist and owner and operator of Black Mountain Artisans, a West Marin Fiber Artist Cooperative.  She is also co-founder of Local Wool Pastures, which sources, mills and sells wools and fibers from local shepherds and farmers.         […]

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natural plant dye day #2

The second class was at RDI again. I actually forgot my camera battery, so don’t have pics of the day itself, but related ones from the first class and afterwards. The following are examples Rebecca brought in – linoleum block prints, silk screen prints and various dye colors.     The coreopsis pigment gets poured […]

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This is a pretty awesome gift to the world here.  Shivani at My Owl Barn blog has gotten contributions of cool and beautiful owl art for you to choose from and compile into a calendar for yourself, or as a gift.  The link to the calendar is here. I found out about it at andrea’s […]

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